Location: Zagreb, hotel International, Croatia

Date: October 5 – 7, 2022

Host partner: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

October 6, 2022, Thursday (8.30 – 18.00)

After the introduction to the meeting activities, the ski resorts of Croatia were presented to the participants by Vjekoslav Cigrovski (KIF UNIZG, Croatia)

9:00 – 15.00      Work on the educational outputs: SKI EASY Certificate system and educational materials – dictionaries, pocket manuals, SKI EASY MOBAPP:

Ad1) Dictionary: English version of SKI EASY dictionary was discussed, and we were editing all open translations. It was also suggested that the dictionary should be translated into other world languages in addition to the languages of the partners. It was agreed to translate it into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Finnish and Swedish, and due to the upcoming INTER-SKI Conference LEVI, Finland 2023 translated to Swedish and get someone to translate it into Finnish.


Ad2) SKI EASY Certificate




Participants suggested to adjusting the frame of the template, to focus on beginners, no racing snow sports, more health issue, ski injuries, injuries prevention. Several items in the form are not necessary, and will be removed e.g.  lines as method, findings, as abstract must include all of these items.

Ad4) Training materials – MANUALS

Saša Pišot presented the prepared material for the following manuals.


Ad 5) SKI EASY MOBAPP upgraded steps were presented


Ad 6) Other: Plan for the implementation of the use of SKI EASY EQUIPMENT presented by  Matija Stegnar (SITAS),

In the afternoon we visited the ski resort Sljeme – above Zagreb city, known for the annual men’s and women’s world cup slalom races.


October 7, 2022, Friday (9:00 am – 10:00 am)

Meeting with briefing about the upcoming EVENT- SKI EASY Snow Day in Serbia (Kopaonik) and Austria (St. Christoph/Innsbruck) regarding the organization and all activities.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.